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"Catholic Truths for Our Children"

We donít send our children down the street for meals. It is our responsibility to feed them. Likewise we should be the ones to feed their souls. Outside religious education should be in addition to the main course we provide at home. But how do we teach our children to be good Catholics? The best way to raise good Catholics is to know and love the faith we want to hand down. CATHOLIC TRUTHS FOR OUR CHILDREN helps parents accomplish just that.
CATHOLIC TRUTHS FOR OUR CHILDREN is written directly to parents, the primary educators of their children. Using compelling arguments, Scripture and personal insight, this book guides parents through the nuts and bolts of Catholicism. The book is presented on an adult level with suggestions for teaching children. It encourages families to fully embrace and understand the Catholic faith they share.
- Most Reverend Paul A. Zipfel
Bishop of Bismarck
Parents who want to ground their children in the Catholic faith, to do so realistically and creatively on a daily basis and strengthen their own faith lives in the process, will find this a valuable guidebook.Ē
-- Trask Tapperson
Catholic Answers
This book contains what you need to know to become knowledgeable in your Faith. I am certain that, as you learn more and more about the wonder that is our Church and the joy of Christís Gospel message, you will become eager to share it, not only with your children, but with other adults (yes, including missionaries of other faiths).

--Steve Wood, founder and President of Family Life Center International


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